Crusader Kings 2 How to Build State of the Art Lab

Castle building interface

In Crusader Kings II you can construct buildings in your county capitals, and in any holdings in the county that belong to your direct vassals.
Structure is a long-time prospect, as information technology volition have very long for most buildings to pay off. As it works on such a large timescale, quite a bit of thought should be put into what you lot build, where, and when.


When amalgam buildings, your first priority should be your capital. The reasons for this are two-fold.
Get-go, your upper-case letter volition virtually always exist inherited past your heir, even if yous're using Gavelkind succession. This is important, equally buildings frequently won't pay dorsum the investment inside a unmarried character'due south reign.
Second, your capital will generally have the highest tech level of your holdings, and many technologies enhance the output of your buildings, thus buildings in your majuscule volition repay your investment faster.
Tertiary, you should focus on your own holdings, not your vassal bishoprics and cities. Your own holdings give you their unabridged income, while vassals will merely give you a percentage. In addition, the do good you get from your vassals is also subject to modify in the long term due to changes in opinion, while your ain holdings are unaffected.


Your focus should exist on improving your economic state of affairs. The higher your income, the faster you can construct or upgrade your buildings, so while at first you'll lag behind on the armed forces front yous will quickly take hold of up in one case your economical buildings repay their cost.
After y'all take reached decent economical upper-case letter, with at least Castle Villages in all your holdings, you should go onto upgrading your armed forces capabilities. At this point you should have a pretty high income, so this should be relatively quick to do. As before, concentrate on your uppercase belongings first, then become onto other holdings.
For each military building you construct, your personal military chapters increases, and this capacity will be there for yous even in times of crisis, and equally such gives you a base military capacity at all times, thus vastly improving your capabilities during ceremonious wars and also helping you lot in both defensive and offensive wars.


In general, you want to upgrade your holdings as fast as you can. The quicker you build the sooner your investment is repaid, and the more you tin construct in the hereafter as well.
However, y'all should always go on a reserve. How large this reserve should exist depends on your size. Essentially you should imagine the worst possible economic scenario that could happen to your realm, and keep that much money or more than in reserve at all times. Equally a minor realm like say, Scotland, having 50 gold in reserve at all times would likely be enough virtually of the fourth dimension, only it wouldn't be plenty if y'all suddenly needed to hire mercenaries. As such I would recommend a reserve of 100g at the very least for any realm, as and so you'll be able to recruit a band of mercenaries and pay their budget for most iv months through your reserve alone.

The Math

For the economic buildings, the return on investment is easily calculated.
For the castle town buildings, you get these numbers:

  • Level 1, cost 100, income one.5 - 67 years
  • Level 2, cost 120, income 2.0 - 60 years
  • Level three, price 200, income 2.5 - fourscore years
  • Level 4, cost 300, income 3.0 - 100 years
  • Level 5, price 400, income 3.five - 114 years

As you can meet, level 2 pays of faster than both level 1 and level 3. Every bit such, your beginning goal should be level 2 in all holdings before you upgrade any further.
For the castle wall buildings, you go these numbers:

  • Level 1, cost fifty, income 0.2 - 250 years
  • Level 2, cost 50, income 0.2 - 250 years
  • Level 3, cost 100, income 0.ii - 500 years
  • Level four, cost 150, income 0.2 - 750 years
  • Level 5, cost 150, income 0.5 - 300 years

On an economical level, just the get-go two levels will pay of during the duration of a single campaign, and so any level across that is not worth it on just an economic level, merely their other benefits practice of class make them worth it.
Now, what also has to exist taken into account is that for whatsoever town level afterward 1, you need a certain level of wall, thus giving you these numbers:

  • Level one town, level 0 wall, cost 100, income 1.5 - 67 years
  • Level ii town, level ane wall, price 170, income 2.ii - 77 years
  • Level 3 town, level 2 wall, price 250, income ii.vii - 93 years
  • Level 4 town, level 0 wall, cost 300, income iii.0 - 100 years
  • Level 5 town, level 0 wall, price 400, income 3.5 - 114 years

Note that the last two levels of towns do not need further wall upgrades. With wall upgrades taken into account we now get a gradual progression for how long information technology takes to go a return on your investment, which thus shows u.s.a. that aiming for level 1 first in all your holdings, then going to the next level and then on, makes the virtually sense.

Vassal holdings

Due to you only getting a percentage of your vassal'southward income and levies, your own holdings should usually be prioritized. For castles, your own holdings are always higher priority, equally they requite the exact aforementioned benefits except in full. Your vassals will too improve their holdings out of their own pockets. Building all availible holdings in your provinces early volition internet you lot more "free" upgrades that way - and so you might want to brand maxing out the number of holdings in the counties in your demesne a priority.
While cities give higher revenue per town building than castles, you'll still get less overall due to only getting a percentage of the income.
Churches and cities however take ane edifice each that can be useful: the monastic school and the university. The monastic school increases your tech growth in the province past 10% at level i, and xx% at level 2, for a total of 30%, while the academy increases tech growth by twenty% at level 1 and xxx% at level two, but level two comes quite tardily in the game. This tin make a major difference in the long run, so if you favor a tech-based approach to the game, investing in this building can be a good thought.

A Few Notes

Equally long equally yous have good stewardship, the break-even bespeak for structure volition be considerably sooner, as you get 2% more demesne income for every point of state stewardship beyond 5. Thus, at 30 land stewardship, you'll get l% higher income, reducing the time to reach interruption-even by one third.
If your succession laws are gavelkind, try to go along your buildings full-bodied in your capital letter duchy, equally whatsoever other duchy could end up getting inherited past someone other than your heir. Building upwards a county and and so losing information technology 20 years after due to gavelkind isn't as well cracking an thought.


  • Build in your capital commencement
  • Don't build annihilation in your vassal holdings, except for monastic schools as long as you take places left to build elsewhere
  • For whatsoever specific building blazon, become information technology to the same level in all your holdings earlier going to the next
  • Prioritize economic buildings over military buildings
  • Bulding all availible holdings for each province early will pay dividends late game
  • Always proceed a reserve of at least 100g, and preferably more than
  • If you're under gavelkind succession laws, continue your structure within your capital duchy as much as possible

Published by Meneth


Military Capital

The one exception to the 'spread everything out' rule would be your capital province. One strategy you can apply to maximize your personal troops involves the "Train Troops" mission from your marshal. This mission will increment the total levies available in a single province. Thus...the larger the base levy size is, the larger the bonus is. In this instance, it would make sense to focus upgrades in your uppercase to their maximum levels. Doing so will create the largest possible base levy size, giving the train troops mission extra power. The training basis upgrades tin make these troops tougher and reinforce faster, on top of the Train Troops bonus to reinforce speed.

Simply don't forget to fix your align to train troops when state of war starts, and put him back on tech when it ends.


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